Best Concrete Breaking Tools. Demolition Removal | Dexpan Project C015
Save Money! Save Time! Best Concrete Breaking Tools for Demolition Removal. Dexpan Expansive Demolition Grout: Easy to use, Cost Effective, No Noise, No Dust, No Jackhammer.
Heavily Reinforced Concrete Demolition, Removal
General Contractor: Xtrata Mines
United States 2012
United States 2012
Dexpan Top 5 Benefits for Demolition Contractors and Excavating Companies.
Dexpan can crack, cut or break concrete easily and safely. 3 simple steps to use: drill, mix and pour.
Call 575-332-9458 for Wholesale Discounts
Dexpan can crack, cut or break concrete easily and safely. 3 simple steps to use: drill, mix and pour.
Call 575-332-9458 for Wholesale Discounts
Cut a door in concrete wall. Dexpan cracks without damages to the rebar.
Unfilled holes stop the cracks from going to remaining part of the wall.